Piriton Syrup 100ml

Piriton Syrup 100ml


Piriton Syrup is indicated for symptomatic control of all allergic conditions responsive to antihistamines, including hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis, urticaria, angioneurotic oedema, food allergy, drug and serum reactions, insect bites. It also indicated for the symptomatic relief of itch associated with chickenpox.


Adults and children 12 years and over

10ml (4mg) every 4 to 6 hourly.
Maximum daily dose: 60ml (24mg) in any 24 hours.

The elderly are more likely to experience neurological anticholinergic effects. Consideration should be given to using a lower daily dose (e.g. a maximum of 12 mg in any 24 hours).
Children aged 6 ? 12 years

5ml (2mg) every 4 to 6 hourly.
Maximum daily dose: 30ml (12mg) in any 24 hours.
Children aged 2 ? 6 years

2.5ml (1mg) every 4 to 6 hourly.
Maximum daily dose: 15ml (6mg) in any 24 hours.
Children aged 1 ? 2 years

2.5ml (1mg) twice daily.
The minimum interval between the doses should be 4 hours.
Maximum daily dose: 5ml (2mg) in any 24 hours.
Not recommended for children below 1 year


Each 5 ml of syrup contains 2mg of chlorphenamine maleate
Side Effects

blurred vision and psychomotor impairment, which can seriously hamper the patients? ability to drive and use machinery.
For more information please read the leaflet inside the packaging.



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